Thursday 13 January 2011


Keeping the romance and the spark in a relationship is so important, if you don't try to keep it alight, it will just disappear. So we try to do something together every Friday if possible i.e. a date night. Sometimes we will go out for a meal and sometimes we'll stay in with a takeaway. The thing that annoys me most is how expensive it can be for a meal out! sometimes it can come up to £50 just for the 2 of you, it's a piss take.
I'm the one with the job currently in the relationship so I can be pretty restrictive with my money seeing as I have so many things to save for and a few big events coming up to pay for (my boyfriends surprise, it's getting rather close to the £300 mark . .), I just wish I could enjoy my money! I wish I could go shopping and blow a few hundred! I have never ever done that, unless you count paying £300 in the travel agent on a holiday as shopping.
And getting around, I'm paying £30 a month for a bus card which is perfect for college but I hate buses! They are so unreliable and I want to learn to drive. But again it's something else to save up for . . .
I'm young, I want to enjoy the youth I have because it passes so quickly, but money doesn't grow on trees . . .