Monday 27 December 2010

Give it a go, or never know

There are too many "What if?" questions haunting us.

For example:
"What if I had said yes when he asked me out?"
"What if that had happened when I was there?"

What if we actually just went for it, took the bull by the horns and lived a little. Because, life is too short and full of unexpected twists and turns. It's unpredictable, which gives it that excitement. The time you say yes to doing something you wouldn't ever dare to do, that's when you realise "Why have I been saying no all this time?" because the fear of the unknown can give you such a buzz. This of course can be interpretted into many situations.

From my own experience, the phrase what if has haunted me in the past, not too long ago if I'm honest. For me it was "What if things had worked out the first time?".
I was 14, I had this huge crush on a guy in my business class but I was wish someone else. I dumped my boyfriend at the time because I just wanted the other guy, who we shall call Dave (for privacy reasons). I loved everything about him, but it turned out that when he got me, he didn't quite know what to do after that, so he dumped me infront of his mates (how immature i know, I kneed him in the balls not too long before that, so I guess it's Karma). I hated him. I was a teenage girl, low self esteem, you know the story.
But now I believe that it wasn't the right time for things to work out. I mean come on I was only 14! But I don't think your ever too young to fall in love. And I think this because, the same guy who captured me nearly 4 years ago, is the guy I'm with now.

So somehow, everything works out in your favour. I'm not saying that everyones situations will end so happily as mine as I'm the exception, not the rule. But everything does happen for a reason. Live a little, and don't let those 2 little words haunt you . .

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