Tuesday 8 March 2011

That "Future"

As I near the milestone that is becoming 18, I start to wonder what will happen or rather what will change as I venture into adulthood.
There are many things to consider such as: will I go to uni? will I be with my boyfriend for the rest of my days? how am I going to keep in touch with everyone?
But at the end of it all, you can never plan for all outcomes and situations that may just be around that corner, all you can come up with are theories, possible solutions to those theories and i guess back-up plans. When thinking about these things, you end up with a tension headache from thinking about all the hurdles, the hurt and heightening stress levels as things progress and become more formal and I guess more mature. You won't have those days where you can just go and buy a guitar, you have to think what else you will need that money for, car insurance? rent? utility bills? It's those thoughts that make you want to stay 17 forever.
University will be one of the toughest decisions of my life. Where to go? Well the plan is to stay local I guess, close to family and the boyfriend, be able to keep a job and not live off baked beans. But then you think, if this is going to be a once in a lifetime thing, shouldn't I be going away and finding my independence as an adult, build life skills, financial skills and experience youth in the 21st century way. Are things holding me back or rather are people, is it the costs that come with higher education? So many things that are impossible to weigh, impossible to measure and impossible to ever predict.
As life progresses, you can't plan every stage of your life. You can't depend on others to make your decisions and most definitely can't let them influence them. Independence is a scary prospect, but the start of an exciting chapter of my life is even more tempting . .

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